Exploration Potential

Structural Corridor 500 m width 17 km length

Forgotten Gold Mine

Lachlan Fold Belt NSW Mined by BHP 1930’s, Horizon 1980’s 80 km south of Canberra

Project Highlights

Further high-grade underground resource potential Ambassador, Victoria & Princess lodes partly mined

Project Advantages

Average run-of-mine grades 6-8 g/t Au, no land access issues, water availability
Oxley Strategy at Cowarra

Structural Controls on Mineralisation

A large 0.5 to 1 million oz deposit underlying the mineralisation at surface, which is
persistent but widely dispersed within the well-defined 300-400m wide mineralise corrider.
The minseralisation targeted is at depth of 200-300m. The minseralisation is pyrite-arsenopyrite rich and occurs in pods, lenses and discontinous veins making it ideally suited to detection by IP electrical survey. The metallurgy is not dissimilar to that of the Majors Creek deposit near Braidwood which may indicate an intrusive source.

Geology: hosted by Ordovician metasediments (similar host rocks to Bendigo and Fosterville)

Shallow and Deep Components to Drilling

Oxley has applied geophysics at Cowarra with four lines of dipole dipole IP carried out mid 2020. Induced Polarisation and Resitivity Pseudosections Report available. Oxley intends completing a further program of IP lines followed by selective infilling of lines by ground magnetic survey